A non-profit organization that does not belong to any political or religious faction, founded by Astefir Al-Zour in June 2018, it initially works to enable civil society to play its role in responding to the emergency in Syria and contributing to building a better future.
A world that respects every child and gives him/her his/her rights. - A balanced society in which the conditions for development and social solidarity are met. - A world in which understanding and harmony prevail among peoples.
Child care and protection, striving to create safe environments for children and overcome the obstacles caused by war, in addition to service projects that help stability and development, and projects that encourage understanding and cultural exchange between peoples.
The training included three phases and aimed to: Develop the educational process and enhance teachers’ skills by enabling them to use modern teaching strategies and active learning, and by fostering higher-order thinking skills such as problem-solving, inquiry, and critical thinking.
A focused psychological support activity targeting 200 children, mostly returnees from Al-Hol camp, residents, and displaced persons in Hajin and Al-Shafah. This activity included various psychological and recreational support sessions aimed at integrating the children with each other and the community.
The project was implemented between 01/07/2021 and 20/11/2021. During the project, 14-bathroom blocks were rehabilitated across 10 schools, and 12,596 school desks were maintained. The number of students benefiting from this project was 42,045 in the western, eastern, and northern countryside of Deir ez-Zor.
The project was implemented between 20/06/2022 and 31/08/2022. The project benefited 50,000 people, and the water level was lowered on 10,000 dunams of land. The work included cleaning 5 main drains in Hajin, with a total length of 27 kilometers, as well as installing 2 culverts on main roads, 13 culverts on secondary roads,
تم تنفيذ المشروع في الفترة بين 1/1/2022 و 20/2/2022 استهدف المشروع 40 مستفيد من مزارعي الخضار عبر الأنفاق الزراعية تضمن العمل زراعة 1600 نفق زراعي بالخيار والكوسا في قرية الحوايج.
تم تنفيذ المشروع في الفترة ما بين 2021/00/19 و 2021/12/10 في 8 قرى، هي الطيانة والشنان وجمة ودرنج وسويدان والجردي الشرقي والجرذي الغربي وأبو حردوب بريف دير الزور الشرقي.
The project was implemented between 01/01/2023 and 15/02/2023. The project benefited 4,500 people. It involved the installation of polyethylene pipes suitable for drinking water, with a diameter of 6 inches and a length of 2,050 meters,
The project was implemented from 15/08/2019 to 13/12/2019. It involved removing rubble and debris from the walls of 32 schools and cleaning the sites, as well as removing 5 destroyed water tanks. The debris was transported and used to fill potholes, with a total of 4,500 cubic meters of debris removed and approximately 35,850 kilograms of iron extracted.
The project was implemented from 01/08/2018 to 20/10/2018. The project directly benefited 1,700 people. The project involved demolishing and removing debris from buildings that were at risk of collapse and damaged due to the war in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor, specifically in the areas of Al-Shuhail, Al-Hawaij, Darnaj, Al-Zer, Al-Attal, Thiban, and Al-Takihi.
The project was implemented between 10/01/2021 and 10/04/2021. It targeted 20 young men and 10 women from the Hajin area and surrounding regions, focusing on training in: 1- Electrical Maintenance HVAC and home appliance repair and maintenance Mobile phone repair
The project was implemented from 13/07/2020 to 31/10/2020. It involved the participation of 200 young people, divided into 3 groups, with each group engaging in a series of interconnected activities chosen based on the needs of the local community.
The project was implemented from 10/06/2020 to 25/10/2020. Beneficiaries participated in 25 training sessions, which equipped them with the necessary skills to enter the job market. Vocational materials were distributed to the beneficiaries, including sewing and...
The project was implemented between 27/03/2024 and 15/12/2023. It involved collaboration with 12 civil society organizations in Deir ez-Zor in focused dialogue sessions with the local community to develop and strengthen community participation. The dialogue sessions addressed key topics such as essential services, governance, tribal systems, social conditions, and political situation.
The project was implemented between 15/10/2022 and 15/05/2023. It included conducting 7 discussion sessions in the Al-Jazrat area, involving representatives from the internal committee and individuals from various segments of the local community. During these sessions, several topics related to stability and security were discussed. As an outcome of these sessions, a small...
Achievements :
1- Education, protection and psychological support
2- Agricultural sector
3- Rehabilitation of infrastructure and removal of rubble
4- Livelihoods and Stability Support
5-Community Security and Peace
A non-profit organization affiliated with any political or religious faction, and established in Deir ez-Zor in June 2018, working to start working in civil society to take its role in responding to the emergency in Syria and contributing to building a better future.
Structural, neutral, and fungal-free.
Child care and protection, striving to create safe environments for children and overcome the obstacles caused by war, in addition to service projects that help stability and development, and projects that encourage understanding and cultural exchange between peoples.
- A world that respects every child and gives him/her his/her rights.
- A balanced society in which the conditions for development and social solidarity are met.
- A world of understanding and harmony among peoples